Rocky mountain insurance
Rocky Mountain Insurance Center is a local insurance broker based in Lafayette, CO. Their experience and understanding of insurance markets allows them to ask the appropriate questions in order make sure they can provide you the highest quality insurance at the most affordable pricing. If you are currently represented by one company, they would love the opportunity to give you some alternative options.

01. Approach
This project had a fairly wide berth to design, but the logo had already been created. The color scheme that was desired needed to be more earth tones along with the deep green from the original website logo. The original website had been built in Wordpress and became completely unresponsive due to hackers. Not to mention it was not user friendly and extremely slow loading which all made the user experiece very poor. We wanted to spruce up the website and improve the conversion rate which was virtually non existent because the site performed so poorly. It was important to lead potential clients through an easy process so they could send in information and gather a quick quote so we implemented a customiized multi-form approach to tackle this problem.
02. Design
We changed the color scheme to be a little more muted and conservative to compliment the deep Green in the logo. We also wanted to highlight the awards that Steve the owner had won as an insurance broker. These awards were important because they build trust in Rocky Mountain Insurance Center. We also wanted to highlight the number of policy holders that come back year after year which shows a potential client the level of customer service and value people get when they use Rocky Mountain Insurance Center. The font choices were Steelfish for the headings and menu which is a sans serif font. That was matched with Baskerville a serif font that is very elegant. The website did not rank well locally so we optimized each page for local search and included JSON-LD markup along with HTML5 to guide search engines.





03. Technology
The Rocky Mountain Insurance Center project is a totally responsive design based on CSS Grid Layout with a Flexbox fallback. That means the project is not reliant on an outside library of code to be fully responsive. The starting point was HTML5 Boilerplate to make sure the project was utilizing current best practices and most browser based styling was reset using Normalize.css. We don't utilize templates so all coding was done by hand using the Brackets code editor. Steve and his team are also able to add blog articles, maintain the verbiage and images on the site by utlizing Perch as the content management system. Every page in the project was validated and confirmed to be W3C compliant (the website includes images that are lazy loaded and Cloudflare scripting that improves pages speed but isn't W3C compliant). All css files are modular in nature so Gulp was used to combine and condense all CSS files in the final project build in order to make the page load speed better. The final page load speed is between 1.2 & 1.5 seconds which is very fast. CSS and javascript animation was created by using the following libraries Animate.css, Hover.css & T-scroll. Other code and libraries used include Modernizr, jQuery, Akismet and Google Analytics. Software utilized to create this project included Brackets, Photoshop, Perch CMS, and
The coding and software skills used by Colorado SEO Design to make this project take off included:
- Photoshop
- CSS3
- Javascript
- markup