Bin proz
Bin Proz is a service that sanitized commercial trash dumpsters and residential trash cans. This is a concept that has been around quite awhile in Europe but is a fairly new deal in the United States. These cleaning services use a pressure washer and heat to clean and sanitize dumpsters from disease and bacteria. Bin Proz unlike many of it's competitors provides a full service vehicle that can handle all types of trash receptacles.

01. Approach
The Bin Proz project came to the table with a newly created Logo. The color choices were chosen based off of the logo. The other issue was Bin Proz was a cleaning service so we wanted to have ample white space on the website because white denotes clean. Due to the fact that this service was very new in the Dallas Texas area the website had to be informational and focus on teaching prospective clients about the service and it's benefits. In order to make things easy it was important for the prospective client to book and pay for service online so we added an ecommerce element to the site.
02. Design
The color choices were focused on bright and clean. After looking at a variety of different sites to get an idea of project direction we decided that it was best to utilize bold headlines with Gotahm font and an easy to read modern "Futura" font for the body. Animations were created on scroll down to draw attention to different elements of the website without being overly distracting. Due to the fact that this business was new and never had a previous site we wanted to make sure that site was able to rank well. We did a deep dive on keyword research to find potential keywords to help with ranking. We also used HTML5 and semantic markup to help Google and other search engines understand the layout of the site.




Futura Book

Gotham Night
03. Technology
The Bin Proz project is a totally responsive design based on CSS Grid Layout with a Flexbox fallback. That means the project is not reliant on an outside library of code or javascript to be fully responsive. The starting point was HTML5 Boilerplate to make sure the project was utilizing current best practices and most browser based styling was reset using Normalize.css. We don't utilize templates so all coding was done by hand using the Brackets code editor. The Bin Proz team is also able to add blog articles, maintain the verbiage and images on the site by utlizing Perch as the content management system. Every page in the project was validated and confirmed to be W3C compliant, with the exception of lazy loaded images and script enhancements that make the site load faster. All css files are modular in nature so Gulp was used to combine and condense all CSS files in the final project build in order to make the page load speed better. The final page load speed is less than 1.5 seconds and the free Cloudflare option is used to improve speed and latency of the site. CSS and javascript animation was created by using the following libraries Animate.css, Hover.css, & T-Scroll. Other code and libraries used include Modernizr, jQuery, Akismet and Google Analytics. Software utilized to create this project included Brackets, Photoshop, Perch CMS, VectorMagic and Gulp for css/ image compression.
The coding and software skills used by Colorado SEO Design to make this project take off included:
- CSS3
- Javascript
- jQuery
- markup